Monday, November 21, 2011

I'll be seeing you....

Soon i will be embarking on a new adventure. I'm ecstatic about my future and what it will bring me with my career in cosmetology!
 As I super excited for my move to Minneapolis, I'm also sad I currently live in Bozeman and I love it more than anything!but for now fare well Bozeman I hope I'll be seeing you...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

why i love my phone...

I know what your thinking, everybody and their grandma loves their phone. It's like there fingers and eyes are glued to it, but not me i rarely use my phone. The one thing i do love about my phone are the random text of my close friends and family updating their life's via picture text... ahh the simple pleasures in life

Veda for now!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Rodney Smith was one of my first of many inspirations. His creative perspective is eye catching and beautiful. to make it short and sweet here are some of Rodney Smiths photos...

 and here are some from me which his work inspired mine...
